Lodge Links
This page has links to all the main sections of this site.You can return here from any other page and move to any other section. This is the best page to choose for a bookmark or favourite.To move to a different section out of sequence, you should return here. Of course, you can also read the site like a book by following the arrows all the way through.
Karibu Welcome
kenyaView lodge
Wildlife in Detail
Kenya's Ecosystem
Kenyan Issues
The Trip and the Parks
Viewing this Website
This site consists mainly of pages with photographs, and is designed to be seen on a screen with at least 1000 vertical pixels. Smaller screens, such as small laptop computers may give poor viewing. All pages are the same fixed size, and there should be no scrollbars at the side of the page if your screen is large enough.
For the slideshows and videos, Javascript should be on, and QuickTime installed. QuickTime can be downloaded from Apple. Allow time for the slideshows to download to your computer.
Kenya: On the Road
Edmund Black Publications
Version 1: March 2009
This website is about Kenya. The animals, the birds, the travel and the people.
About our Safari
Navigation: These symbols are always in the header of each page. These will take you to the previous page, the next page and back here to the Lodge.
Other links are in words and will appear in yellow or beige at different places on the page.